Thank you for your report. I do, however, take issue with one important part. Your report implies that the “1,200 Israeli civilians killed on 7 October”, whether by the Palestinian resistance or the IOF, is an accepted fact. This is clearly not the case. I refer you to the following article, which contains appropriate links to sources.


Even the figure stated there of 695 is misleading in my opinion since the Israeli authorities count armed police and intelligence agents as “civilians “.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

Thanks for that Stephen. From what I can see, the report doesn't state as fact 1200 civilians were either killed by the resistance or Israeli forces, just that Israel claimed 1400, then 1200 Israelis were killed by Palestinian fighters. My core point was Israeli claims of 1400 and then 1200 Israelis killed by Hamas were propaganda. I've added the security force number for clarity as that's definite an important element absent from the story.

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The post still reads as 1139 Israeli "civilians" *and* the military, and foreign casualties*, giving a total well above the 1200 initially claimed, rather than 1139 in total.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

The line was added in haste after Stephen flagged up the security force statistic absence, now revised. Thanks John.

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