Sep 4Liked by Mick Hall

Is it too obvious to state that the NZSIS and GCSB are simply sub imperial outposts of the US NSA & CIA and UK MI6? NZ has no sovereignty or independence when it comes to matters of security or intelligence. This is our “deep state” and it persists no matter who is elected. None of our elected representatives strike me as having sufficient grasp of international affairs to articulate a distinctive and relevant vision for NZ on the world stage - once in cabinet they simply default to their 5 Eyes masters - hence our muted stance on the US backed, Israeli inflicted genocide in GAZA, historical denialism in our support for Ukraine, tokenistic calls for a Palestinian state while playing target practice with the Houthis, double speak on our supposed adherence to the one China policy… The list goes on - bottom line is we are the same slave to Empire as were in Gallipoli , Korean war, Vietnam , Afghanistan, (nearly Iraq- thanks Helen) , now Ukraine, and the Red Sea and trending rapidly toward conflict with China. We are not yet an independent nation, have not yet formed a post colonial identity , and show no signs yet of manifesting the leadership or social consensus needed to do so. God Save the King?

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Bravo Mick . Your analysis and information is essential reading and deserves wide circulation. Exposing the pressure applied by Israeli interests is particularly important at this time when NZ complicity with war crimes in Palestine by failing to uphold our legal responsibilities under the Genocide Convention which requires the government to take actions that “prevent and punish the crime of genocide”. New Zealand is a signatory to the Genocide Convention and we also have wider responsibilities under international humanitarian law – in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention – which deals with responsibility for civilians living under military occupation.

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To them Palestinians aren't even human, they're a mere disputed statistic in the daily carnage. We're living through a time of increasing diabolic disorientation it seems.

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Sep 4Liked by Mick Hall

It reminds me of the good old reds under the bed bs we used to get under Muldoon in the old days the secret police used to follow people they thought might be a threat even if they were just reading a newspaper like I think it was called The People's Choice. I'm far more concerned about influences from the USA like Trump's 2025.

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Sep 5Liked by Mick Hall

It is obviously absurd for a CIA asset like Andrew Hampton to be lecturing the country on the dangers of foreign political interference. What is more concerning is that in her "interview" with Hampton, RNZ's Catherine Ryan was afraid to ask a single probing question of the SIS director. No doubt the New Zealand public are left rolling their eyes at the buffoonery of the colonialist regime.

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The cognitive dissonance displayed by our politicians and media is beyond belief. The western hegemony or rules based order or whatever you want to call it is complicit in a genocide. It doesn’t get any more atrocious than that. The shame of it. How far we have fallen, even since the days of Muldoon, who I hazard a guess probably would have displayed more empathy and principle on the matter of a genocide than his neo liberal critics. What a disgraceful state we have arrived at, all the more sad when compared to other countries such as Ireland and Spain who are calling Israel out on the crimes against humanity perpetrated against the Palestinians for the last 100 years.

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