It's alarming with how much they've been getting away with even when UN peacekeeping forces are near - The restraint shown by the Irish indicative of their professionalism something that the cowardly IDF is lacking they've been shooting at everyone, even their own.

That our 'western' governments continue providing material aid is suggesting to me that they have been compromised.

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100000% psy-opped and bought

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That is one method - there are numerous sovereignty shredding ''agreements'' in place specifically designed in case a true people friendly government gains the majority of seats it can be made to cater to the corporate agenda via ISDS provisions.

And whatever happened to the Epstein files? - The public has a right to know and needs to know which public servant has been compromised.

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Rules based order is very much in the gaslighting arsenal.

Medical professionals volunteering in Gaza speak of children being deliberately targeted by Israeli snipers, the Irish peacekeepers don’t stand a chance, as brave as they are. I wonder if Starmer is providing them any weapons, intelligence and support for self defence.

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